And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them. For all of
them gave an offering from their plenty; but she, out of her poverty, gave all she had
to live on.”
“Emptying ourselves.” The “little apocalypse” consists of Mark 13, Matthew 24–25
and Luke 21. In these last days of the liturgical year, we continue our journey while
beginning to reflect on Luke 21. Luke 21 begins with the “widow’s offerings” (cf. vv.
1-4), which parallels the one in Mark 12:41-44. Here, it seems that Luke used the materials
from Mark. Nevertheless, in its present form, the Lucan version of the “widow’s offerings”
is found in Luke 21. Perhaps, Luke intended to have it there as a kind of introduction to the
things he would be spelling out with regard to his version of apocalyptic materials adopted
from Mark. Today’s Gospel pericope highlights the example of the poor widow in sharing
something not merely from her plenty but all that she had to live on. This implies that
she gave not only something that was outside of herself but she gave her very self
without reservations. We have already reflected on the fact that the apocalyptic tradition
challenges us to enter into a new relationship with God. We can only accept God’s
offer of a new relationship after emptying ourselves. We have to empty our cups so
that Godcan fill them to the brim.
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