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Daily Gospel

Daily Gospel (2949)

DG BookGospel: Mark 10:35-45
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and said to him,
“Master, we want you to grant us what we are going to ask of you.”

DG BookGospel: Luke 12:8-12
I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before people, the Son of Man will also
acknowledge before the angels of God. But the one who denies me before

DG BookGospel: Luke 10:1-9
After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two other disciples, and sent them,
two by two, ahead of him, to every town and place, where he himself was to go.

DG BookGospel: Luke 11:47-54
A curse is on you, for you build monuments to the prophets your ancestors killed.
So you approve and agree with what your ancestors did. Is it not so?

DG BookGospel: Luke 11:42-46
A curse is on you, Pharisees! To the temple you give a tenth of all, including mint
and rue and other herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God.

DG BookGospel: Luke 11:37-41
As Jesus was speaking, a Pharisee asked him to have a meal with him. So he
went and sat at table. The Pharisee then wondered why Jesus did not first wash

DG BookGospel: Matthew 18:1-5,10
At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and asked him, “Who is the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven?” Then Jesus called a little child,

DG BookGospel: Luke 9:51-56
As the time drew near when Jesus would be taken up to heaven, he made up his
mind to go to Jerusalem. He sent ahead of him some messengers,

DG Book

Gospel: Luke 9:46-50
One day, the disciples were arguing about which of them was the most important.
But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he took a little child and stood him by his side.

DG Book

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48
John said to him, “Master, we saw someone who drove out demons by calling
upon your name, and we tried to forbid him because he does not belong

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