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In his Apostolic Letter "Desiderio Desideravi," Pope Francis urges Catholics to "rediscover the beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration" and to be immersed in the paschal mystery, with the aim of a transformation aligned with Christ. Where else can this daily celebration of the Paschal Mystery occur but in the Eucharist?

This book is crafted to assist ordained ministers and Catholic faithful, especially those with a profound love for the Holy Mass whether as attendees, liturgical ministers, or teachers of faith (including parents and godparents) in deepening their devotion to the Eucharist. By exploring the often overlooked Eucharistic Prayer IV, infrequently used by priests, readers will gain insights into their faith, understanding the prayer's beauty and richness. The prayer becomes a tool for spiritual growth, aligning with Pope Francis's vision to "transform every dimension of our life, conforming us more and more to Christ."

The book also extends an invitation to our beloved Priests and Bishops, encouraging them to appreciate and pray Eucharistic Prayer IV regularly, especially during Ordinary Time. By doing so, they can convey the profound narrative of the Work of Redemption through the liturgy, particularly during the Holy Mass.

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In his Apostolic Letter "Desiderio Desideravi," Pope Francis urges Catholics to "rediscover the beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration" and to be immersed in the paschal mystery, with the aim of a transformation aligned with Christ. Where else can this daily celebration of the Paschal Mystery occur but in the Eucharist?



Additional information

Weight 0.112 kg
Dimensions 20.955 × 13.335 × 0.3175 cm

Dave Ceasar Francisco Dela Cruz, OP






Paper Cover

Copy Right


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What did say as a kid when asked: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Aliquam pulvinar vestibulum blandit. Donec sed nisl libero. Fusce dignissim luctus sem eu dapibus.
When is the last time you can remember feeling totally at peace?
Vestibulum eu quam nec neque pellentesque efficitur id eget nisl. Proin porta est convallis lacus blandit tium sed non enim. Maecenas lacinia non orci at aliquam. Donec finibus, urna bibendum ultricies aoreet, augue eros luctus sapien, ut euismod leo tortor ac enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed cursus nenatis tellus, non lobortis diam volutpat sit amet. Sed tellus augue, hendrerit eu rutrum in, porttitor at metus. Mauris ac rit metus. Phasellus mattis lectus commodo felis egestas, id accumsan.
Which of the Seven Wonders of the world do you want to visit the most?
Aliquam pulvinar vestibulum blandit. Donec sed nisl libero. Fusce dignissim luctus sem eu dapibus. Pesque vulputate quam a quam volutpat, sed ullamcorper erat commodo.
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