Fortunate are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Fortunate
are those who mourn; they shall be comforted. Fortunate are the gentle; they shall possess
the land. Fortunate are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.
Fortunate are the merciful, for they shall find mercy. Fortunate are those with pure hearts,
for they shall see God. Fortunate are those who work for peace; they shall be called children
of God. Fortunate are those who are persecuted for the cause of righteousness, for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven. Fortunate are you, when people insult you and persecute
you and speak all kinds of evil against you because you are my followers. Be glad and joyful,
for a great reward is kept for you in God. For that is how this people persecuted the
prophets who lived before you.
“Spiritual Poverty.” Today’s Gospel presents the Beatitudes as found in Matthew’s Gospel
(cf. Lk. 6:20- 26). The Matthean account on the Beatitudes begins the Sermon on the Mount
(Mt. 5–7). The first Beatitudes in Matthew’s Gospel states: “Fortunate/Blessed are the
poor in spirit.” What could b the meaning of this first Beatitude? The poor in spirit are
fortunate because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. But what is the meaning of the phrase
“poor in spirit?” To whom does Matthew’s Gospel refer to? We may reflect on the message
of submission of one’s will as found in the Gospel of Matthew (cf. Mt. 6:10; 26:42). The true
fortunate person is the one who submits his/her will to the will of the heavenly Father. Hence,
the one who can submit his/her will to the Father’s will is the person who possesses the poverty
of spirit. Possessing the virtue of spiritual poverty, which is the submission of one’s will to the
Father’s will, we become the heirs of the kingdom of heaven. Hence, the requirement for us to
become the heirs of the kingdom of heaven is our spiritual poverty. In our faith journey,
our spiritual poverty enables us to be more accepting of life’s unfolding.
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