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June 21, 2024

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DG Book

Gospel: Matthew 6:19-23
Do not store up treasures for yourself here, on earth, where moth and rust
destroy it; and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasures for yourself

with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it. For where
your treasures is, there, also, will your heart be. The lamp of the body is the eye if your
eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light. If your eyes are diseased, your
whole body will be full of darkness. If, then, the light in you is darkness, how great
is that darkness!


“Spring of our soul.” The sixteenth letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is called ayin, also the
Hebrew word for “eye.” It is also the Hebrew word for “spring.” Symbolically, our eyes
are the spring of our soul. It is in the way we see things that we can enrich ourselves. On
the one hand, for example, if we are optimistic, we will be able to see possibilities On the
other hand, if our perspective is negative, we would always see negativities. Perspective
matters. Our dispositions in life with their corresponding actions will spring up from
the way we look at life. Today’s Gospel teaches us that our true treasure depends on our
perspective. This same Gospel passage tells us that the lamp of our body is our eye.
Our life will only be as sound as our perspective. And if our heart is the storeroom of
our true and untarnished treasure, we must guard it and strive to keep it clean. What is
inside the heart is normally manifested by the lips. We also need to guard our lips. The
person who truly sees tends to be quiet and more reflective. Ayin is also one of the few
letters in Hebrew Alphabet that tends to quiet.

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