dies leaving a wife but no children, his brother must take the wife, and any child born to them
will be regarded as the child of the deceased.’ Now, there were seven brothers: the first
married, but died without children. The second married the woman, but also died childless
. And then the third married her, and in this same way all seven died, leaving no children.
Last of all the woman died. On the day of the resurrection, to which of them will the
woman be a wife? For all seven had her as a wife.” And Jesus replied, “Taking a husband
or a wife is proper to people of this world, but for those who are considered worthy of the
world to come, and of resurrection from the dead, there is no more marriage. Besides,
they cannot die, for they are like the angels. They are sons and daughters of God, because
they are born of the resurrection. Yes, the dead will be raised, as Moses revealed at the
burning bush, when he called the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the
God of Jacob. For God is God of the living, and not of the dead, for to him everyone is alive.”
Some teachers of the law then agreed with Jesus, “Master, you have spoken well.” They
didn’t dare ask him anything else.
“Children of God.” Today’s Gospel narrates Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection. He answered
the question posed by the Sadducees concerning a woman who married seven brothers
without leaving her any child. The Sadducees question was – on the resurrection of the dead,
whose wife she will be. Jesus answered them that in the life to come, there will be no more
marriage because they will be children of God. The children of God are generated by God and
are fully responsible creatures. Hence, no one will be in need. The story of the woman who
had been widowed seven times seems to be a call to take responsibility over the needy other.
We may reflect that the more important point rests not on the issue of dependency of the
female on the male but on the challenge posed to the male to be more responsible over
whatever is given him. Perhaps, the very reason why Jesus told the Sadducees that they
misunderstood the resurrection is that the Sadducees not only refused to believe in the
resurrection of the dead but also were not willing to take responsibility over the needy.
How responsible have we already become as children of God even in the here and now?
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