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September 4, 2021

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DG BookGospel: Lk 6:1-5
One Sabbath Jesus was going through the field of grain, and his disciples began to
pick heads of grain crushing them in their hands for food. Some of the Pharisees asked

them, “Why do you do what is forbidden on the Sabbath?” Then Jesus spoke, “Have you
never read what David did when he and his men were hungry?” He entered the house
of God, took and ate the bread of the offering and even gave some to his men,
though only priests are allowed to eat that bread.”And Jesus added, “The Son of Man
is Lord and rules over the Sabbath.”



Religious laws are meant to facilitate awe and wonder of life.
It is not just about the praise and homage of God. Or a sign of
our love and deep devotion of God. They are important
on our part as expressions of our gratitude. But will God be
changed if we don’t do it for these reasons? Hardly, for
God will remain God. There is nothing on our part that
could add up to God. And the Pharisees miss this truth
big time. They thought that God could be offended by
His creature’s actions. That’s why they are obsessive in
the following of the letter of the law without regard
to human welfare. This is what Jesus wants to correct.
He wants to draw their attention to the spirit of the
law that cares for the good of humanity. It does not impose
a burden. And so, between blind obedience and the
welfare of humankind, Jesus chooses the latter. May we
have the spiritual confidence to follow always the good
even if it means adjusting our own spiritual lenses to
conform with that of Jesus.


© Copyright Bible Diary 2021

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