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September 13, 2021

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DG BookGospel: Lk 7:1-10
When Jesus had finished teaching the people, he went to Capernaum.
A Roman military officer lived there, whose servant was very sick and near to
death, a man very dear to him. So when he heard about Jesus, he sent some elders

of the Jews to persuade him to come and save his servant’s life. The elders came to
Jesus and begged him earnestly, saying, “He deserves this of you, for he loves our people
and even built a synagogue for us.” Jesus went with them. He was not far
from the house, when the Roman officer sent friends to give this message, “Sir, do
not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to welcome you under my roof. You see, I
didn’t approach you myself. Just give the order, and my servant will be healed. For
I myself, a junior officer, give orders to my soldiers, and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and
he goes; and to the other, ‘Come!’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this!’ and he
does it.” On hearing these words, Jesus was filled with admiration. He turned and said to
the people with him, “I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.” The
people, sent by the captain, went back to his house; there they found that the servant
was well.



The Roman officer in question must have
been dear to the people of Capernaum. For they took it
upon themselves to petition Jesus so that He will help him
by curing his manservant. We can deduce two reasons
why this centurion is well loved by the Israelites. First,
he builds a synagogue for the people, and he shows
them genuine love and care as evidenced by his deep
concern for the welfare of his slave. That is why Jesus did
not hesitate but immediately set off towards the house of
the Roman soldier. But the latter once again shows why
he is liked by the Israelites. He shows sensitivity to their
religious and cultural beliefs. He knows that no selfrespecting
Jew, much more a religious teacher of great
repute like Jesus, would ever dare enter a pagan house.
They will be immediately defiled. And so, he asks Jesus
to just say the word, believing that Jesus could affect what
He says. And because of this, healing takes place to the
amazement of all present.


© Copyright Bible Diary 2021


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