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June 29, 2022

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DG BookGospel: Matthew 16:13-19
After that, Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi. He asked his disciples, “Who do people say
the Son of Man is?” They said, “For some of them, you are John the Baptist; for others Elijah,
or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” Jesus asked them, “But you, who do you say I am?”

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “It is well for
you, Simon Barjona, for it is not flesh or blood that has revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven. And
now I say to you: You are Peter; and on this Rock I will build my Church; and never will the powers of death
overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven; and whatever you unbind on earth shall be unbound in heaven.”


With all the primal significance that Peter and Paul hold in the Church, why on earth are their feasts clubbed
into a single day, instead of honouring them with separate individual days? Perhaps we can think of two reasons:

(1) This feast is more about the Church than about them, and the Church is always a community, not an individual

(2) ThePeter-Paul phenomenon is a window into the nature of the Church that remains open and inclusive. They are
two endson a continuum. Peter is allthat Paul is not, and vice versa:Peter is fisherman, working classpeasant, practically
unschooled (only high school diploma), and full of heart (emotion). Paul, onthe contrary, is an intellectual,of noble class,
a Roman citizen,Ivy League-schooled, and full ofreason. If God chose them both,so must the Church be: opento every sort
of human beings. As in the alchemical lingo, aconinuncio: a union of opposites.

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