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January 10, 2024

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DG Book

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
On leaving the synagogue, Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew,
with James and John. As Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever,

they immediately told him about her. Jesus went to her and, taking her by the hand, raised
her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening, at sundown, people
brought to Jesus all the sick and those who had evil spirits: the whole town was pressing
around the door. Jesus healed many who had various diseases, and drove out many demons;
but he did not let them speak, for they knew who he was. Very early in the morning, before
daylight, Jesus went off to a lonely place where he prayed. Simon and the others went out also,
searching for him; and when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” Then
Jesus answered, “Let us go to the nearby villages so that I may preach there too; for that
is why I came.” So Jesus set out to preach in all the synagogues throughout Galilee; he also
cast out demons.


“Good relationship heals.” When the pandemic brought upon us by COVID-19 began to
hit the different parts of the world in 2020, we began to realize how interconnected we are.
It taught us the importance of relationship. Pope Francis, in his Encyclical Fratelli Tutti,
reminds us of the reality that no one is saved alone. Every health crisis can only be
surpassed if we work all together as brothers and sisters within God’s family. Crises are
overcome when we learn how to care and start lifting each other by the hand. Today’s
Gospel narrates Jesus’ healing ministry. One of the recipients of Jesus’ healing power is
Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. The Gospel narrates that Jesus came to her, took her by the
hand and raised her up. This clearly shows that Jesus truly cares. In times of sickness, we
always need a caring hand to raise us up. And once we are healed, our need for caring
hands remains. We need to care for each other as we continue to face the aftereffects of the
recent pandemic. Despite our own needs, let us always allow goodwill to prevail.


© Copyright Bible Diary 2024

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