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January 11, 2024

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DG Book

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45
Aleper came to Jesus and begged him, “If you want to, you can make me clean.
” Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying,

“I do want to; be clean.” The leprosy left the man at once and he was made clean. As Jesus
sent the man away, he sternly warned him, “Don’t tell anyone about this, but go and show
yourself to the priest; and for the cleansing, bring the offering ordered by Moses; in this way,
you will give to them your testimony.” However, as soon as the man went out, he began
spreading the news everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter any town.
But even though he stayed in the rural areas, people came to him from everywhere.


“Good intentions have to be actualized.” Today’s Gospel narrates Jesus healing a leper.
The leper begged Jesus to heal him – if Jesus would wish. Jesus willed it that the leper be
healed. The leper was healed. The pleading of the leper is in the subjunctive mood, in a
form of a wish connoting politeness. The answer of Jesus to the leper’s wish is in the
indicative mood connoting certainty. Jesus’ goodwill is always certain and it is compassion
that moves Jesus to actualize his goodwill. Side-by-side with the certainty of his good intention,
Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the leper. Thus, the desired healing of the leper by
Jesus happened. At times, in our faith journey, we really want to do good things. However,
we also need to check on our motivations. Our individual motivation matters. Furthermore,
when our good intentions as separate individuals are put together, the matching collective
action becomes a very powerful instrument of God’s healing power.

© Copyright Bible Diary 2024

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